Saturday, May 1, 2010

Great News

Some of you know this news has been coming for several weeks now, but I'm so excited to be able to officially state that I am now a full-time, benefitted employee of Cohn&Wolfe.

I've been working, very hard, as an intern for this agency for 5 months and thankfully my sweat and tears have not gone unnoticed. I've been given responsibilities and opportunities beyond my experience and in a time of major restructuring at the agency, I've secured a position as Account Coordinator.

I'm excited to begin my career at an agency with people I admire and can learn so much from. And I'm so thankful for a secure job in a still very difficult time.

So if you ever find yourself in West Hollywood, please call me and I will be happy to show around my new corporate life!

438 3/4 N. Norton Ave

After 5 months renting a room temporarily, the time has come for me to find my own place to settle into. And settle I have, into a cute one bedroom in the Larchmont neighborhood of Hollywood. Yes, I can still see the Hollywood sign from my front steps.

Sometimes I can't believe I'm old enough to have a real job and an apartment by myself; It's like I suddenly have a whole adult life. I'm making some mental adjustments, but soaking it all in and so looking forward to my life in LA.

So, welcome...

While it is still a work in progress, but I'm so excited to make this place my very own little home!!